LGBTQ HealthLink is a proud program of CenterLink with the mission to support, share, and amplify the work that our 300+ LGBTQ member centers do to advance health equity for their communities.
We support our member centers in implementing, expanding, and improving health programming of critical importance to their communities. For example, one of our initiatives focuses on expanding the capacity of LGBTQ centers to provide mental health services, filling one of the biggest gaps in LGBTQ health.
We also work with local, state, and federal governments, public health organizations, academic institutions and researchers, and community-based organizations to facilitate connections to our LGBTQ centers in a way that advances their missions and improves their local community's health.
We produce a podcast entitled the HealthLink PrideCast, which highlights LGBTQ community health issues, success stories, and ideas. Our blog provides highlights from the podcast as well as additional news and opportunities.