Anti-trans Media Messages Have Impact

LGBT HealthLink, 11/30/2020
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Anti-trans Media Messages Have Impact
A new study found that when transgender people were more frequently exposed to transphobic messages in the media, they were more likely to have symptoms of depression, anxiety, and global psychological distress. The study also found that exposure to such negative messaging was overwhelmingly common, with 97.6% of transgender people reporting this.
Some LGBT Folks Face Abuse During Pandemic
The BBC reported on abuse that has faced LGBT individuals during pandemic-related restrictions. Nonprofits in the U.K. say they have heard from record numbers of people reporting abuse from anti-LGBT parents or households, as well as partners who were not previously abusive. These challenges have left some homeless, and without help from authorities.
Evaluating Research on Trans Youths’ Families
Researchers explored the connection between family relationships and health for transgender and gender-diverse youth. Overall, they found moderately strong research in this area, but found some characteristics of strong families – including enjoyable time shared and spiritual wellness – were underrepresented in the literature, making these prime topics for future research.
Telehealth Opens Doors for Trans Folks
Housing Public Media shared how telehealth implemented because of COVID-19 is expanding options for transgender patients. Some patients who were displaced by the pandemic were able to keep their providers because of new telehealth options, and providers in big cities like Houston can now take patients from smaller cities and towns where gender-affirming care is lacking.
Bi Youth at Risk for Smoking
Futurity reported on new research that youth who came out as bisexual over a three year period were about twice as likely to pick up smoking as their heterosexual peers. Similar disparities were not found for peers who came out as gay or lesbian, suggesting that bisexual youth are especially at risk. Researchers attributed this to the stigma that bisexual folks face, even within broader LGBT communities.
When Unnecessary Exams Corrupt Care
The Feed reported on how transgender people are sometimes subjected to unwanted and unnecessary genital examinations when seeking unrelated care. Research shows that this type of treatment, and other negative experiences when receiving care, is sadly common for transgender individuals, and leads many to avoid getting necessary treatment.